Part 3: Why do I feel trapped and not able to move forward?

Things just aren’t the same, are they? How tired are you of the new “normal”?

Exercise, work, and wellness just feel glitchy. Relationships are on the struggle bus. I’ve discussed the challenges of getting back to a normal workout routine. How to get back on the bike, swim, and/or run. 

We. Feel. Trapped. 

How do we escape? Here are 3 ways that you can wriggle yourself free. 

  1. System updates: Think of your life as a hard drive/software. Most of us update to brand new IOS systems. Massive upgrades. The best way to get “unstuck” is to make small software updates. Take each software program (exercise, work, life) and upgrade them slowly. Don’t think you have to make huge changes to get success. Small changes can elicit big results. Start with working on your mental state. What is causing the STICK and how to get UNSTUCK? It can be done with clinical support or from a friend. 

  2. Dissociation: We all feel a bit disconnected. Work on ways to ground yourself. You all know, by now, how I reconnect. a) Walking b) journaling c) meditating. These are my THREE pillars to success. If I can “convince” myself to do these three things daily, I’m on the right foot. It’s amazing how disconnected I feel when I don’t get to do these three things daily. They also set my intentions. 

  3. Reframe. I’ve worked the hardest on reframing. During Covid and the year after, I settled into poor personal and professional decisions. The use of alcohol (Deaths jumped 26%), lack of exercise, and general wellness all are part of it. How do you reframe? You may have lost a lot — opportunities, family members, the ability to participate in health and wellness, and/or lost a job. Reframe from staying sad. GET CLOSER to your friends. Get help. Be more gracious. Share more. Failure is an opportunity to do something different. I’m consciously TRYING hard to reframe the things that cause me sadness :)

I wish you the best! This journey is hard. Don’t make it harder by remaining stuck. 



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Part 4: Do you feel self compassion when you fail in sport?


Part 2: Does my past dictate/predict my future?