The Easy Spin
Vulnerability, caring, insight, coaching, occasional side-bars, comedy, conflict, and sometimes resolution, all from the mind of The Chad Andrews.

This is why I won’t stop…and a key to happiness.
The key to happiness and a full-hearted thanks and appreciation to all of you who read my blog.

Part 5: Looking into the mirror.
I have to admit it. Not a fan of the mirror. It reflects back the wrinkles near my eyes.

Part 4: Do you feel self compassion when you fail in sport?
Let’s light this topic up! I’m going to tackle this from a performance standpoint. Athletic performance and personal development.

Part 3: Why do I feel trapped and not able to move forward?
Things just aren’t the same, are they? How tired are you of the new “normal”?

Part 2: Does my past dictate/predict my future?
When I analyze power files in cycling, we use something that’s called a “Performance predictor”.

Part 1: Are we avoiding the challenges?
Are we avoiding the challenges that are becoming a part of our daily lives? What about our motivation?

The flow of letting go.
“Accepting, allowing, and interacting with your life as though it is exactly as it should be, without making yourself wrong (or right) for what you discover is the way to Self-Realization.” ~Ariel Kane

Self compassion: You ain’t the only one.
I’ve been told that I’m a caring person (Family/clients and friends. Sometimes for the greater good, sometimes to my detriment.
It’s 2:36am.
For real, 2:30am-3am. A bit of positive insomnia. 😀
The blessing and the curse of having a mind that is clear, focused and determined is sleep. The past 20 years, I’ve had pretty poor sleep hygiene. Stress, work, life, etc.

Your bridge crosses to good habits…walk over it.
Are you crossing the bridge safely or meeting certain peril 🤣.
The year has turned 2023. All your resolutions are in front of you. (ahem, habits!)

Daily Spin: Say NO to New Years Resolutions.
23% of people quit their resolution after just one week!
I was never really a fan of New Year's resolutions. I always felt they were destined to fail. Most were unrealistic and not attainable.

“Always choose yourself first.”
You have sensed a trend, if you have been reading my blog lately, that self-care is critical. Choosing yourself means focusing on your own happiness and navigating towards what adds positivity to your life without hesitance.