The Easy Spin
Vulnerability, caring, insight, coaching, occasional side-bars, comedy, conflict, and sometimes resolution, all from the mind of The Chad Andrews.

Ride or die crew?....
This past Sunday I was invited to a ride that I haven’t been on in probably over a year. I’m not so sure it was an invite as much as it was…hey ya’ll, I’m coming to your ride!
Grounded while not grounded.
Apologies for the lack of blog posts this past 1.5 weeks. I’m in the midst of a long block of commentating and traveling for Speed Week (If you want to follow along and watch live you can here. ).

The feeling you get in a meadow…
When you’ve had time. You meaning us. We meaning the people who have been there with me..through the madness and amazingness that started 5 years ago.

This is why I won’t stop…and a key to happiness.
The key to happiness and a full-hearted thanks and appreciation to all of you who read my blog.

Part 1: Are we avoiding the challenges?
Are we avoiding the challenges that are becoming a part of our daily lives? What about our motivation?

Daily Spin: Say NO to New Years Resolutions.
23% of people quit their resolution after just one week!
I was never really a fan of New Year's resolutions. I always felt they were destined to fail. Most were unrealistic and not attainable.

“Always choose yourself first.”
You have sensed a trend, if you have been reading my blog lately, that self-care is critical. Choosing yourself means focusing on your own happiness and navigating towards what adds positivity to your life without hesitance.

Do I get a new couch?
I just watched Mike Birbiglia's one-man comedy show from 2019. It was a tremendous insight into a story about love and its complications.
♪ Hey! I wanna get better ♪ ♪ I didn’t know I was lonely Till I saw your face ♪ ♪ I wanna get better ♪ ♪

Deconstructing the kilojoule 🤗
Where in the bloody hell is Chad going with this one? Follow my madness.

Indoor Cycling: 6 Exercises that are a must for your hips. (Copy) (Copy)
We have “fallen” back on the clock. Fall is settling in. (I have some mixed feelings on this entire changing the clocks thing.) If it’s been a while since you have been on your trainer you will notice a few things.