Deconstructing the kilojoule 🤗

Where in the bloody hell is Chad going with this one? Follow my madness.

What is a kilojoule? how does it help endurance athletes? Furthermore, why am I deconstructing it? A kilojoule (KJ) is energy in vs energy out. Endurance athletes are very familiar with this term. If you burn more energy during exercise than you take in (food), you could find yourself in a serious bonk. (How many of us have felt that BONK??). If you are looking to lose weight there’s a formula that nutritionists use that factors your BMR plus daily calorie burn rate in exercise, then factor in calories taken in. Ideally nutritionists will find that ratio of calories taken in and exercise for the day to net out a calorie intake number that is LESS than energy expended. This is the real science in weight loss. (Among other fine details)

There’s also a parallel thought, that has resonated with me over the past 3 years. How are KJ’s and relationships related? Essentially, just like kilojoules, the energy you put into relationships and what do you take out?

Relationships are hard sometimes. Coach/athlete relationships are not impervious. We all hope relationships are 50/50. That, in a perfect world, would be ideal. Who has the power? I loathe to think of this term. Relationships should limit power. This could be a coach/athlete relationship, or marriage, or friendship.

Sometimes you (me) need to put more than your 50% in. Maybe you put in 70% and take out 30%. For anyone over the age of 40 (even younger people who are fully evolved 😆) this is hard. It’s showing a bit of vulnerability. If you want to gain strength in your relationship go that extra little bit. Reach across the aisle in hard times and say you were wrong or you are sorry. Jesus that word was so hard for me to say when I was younger.

Just like a nutritionist does with someone looking to become leaner and fitter with their KJ and calorie balance, I’m asking you (and me) to become a leaner, fitter and healthier person in our relationships. Energy in/Energy out.




STUTZ: I’m not Nutz.


“Next” is critical in your mountain bike development!