The Easy Spin
Vulnerability, caring, insight, coaching, occasional side-bars, comedy, conflict, and sometimes resolution, all from the mind of The Chad Andrews.

Do you have good timing?
DOPAMINE! That magical training elixir hits us like a ton of feel-goods. It’s your “reward” system. Here’s the problem. This dopamine rush can get your long-term goals in trouble!

Deconstructing the kilojoule 🤗
Where in the bloody hell is Chad going with this one? Follow my madness.

Free is a met·a·phor…
I guess the slow memory of COVID has sparked interest in getting new bikes. The newest “thing” is gravel bikes. The new concept of gravel bikes (I do feel the concept has staying power for sure) has people interested in getting one.

Life. Is. Challenging. No shit Sherlock…
Yesterday I learned a few things that sent my ship to starboard a few degrees. Over the past few years, I’ve experienced listing (“Listing” is a nautical term to describe when a vessel takes on water and tilts to one side.) Sometimes one degree, or “Chad grab the buckets

Fear is an intensely unpleasant emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing danger or threat.” For the past few weeks, I’ve been diving into the actual word. How does it relate to me? Our clients? Change in the business? Change in training? Family and relationships? All of these present some form of fear.