Mondays with Mel: Don’t assume, just go ride (or run, or hike). Missed opportunity….
Happy Heavenly Bday Mel! She turned 59 yesterday. So, I decided to go to her FB page and borrow the sunflower photo.
I made an assumption. I have some close friends who had a loved one pass away just recently.
Here’s the assumption: That we all grieve loss in the same way. We don’t. The grief of the loss of someone can’t be understood because individual relationships with death and the loved one are so personal. I’ve had people pass away in my life. My dad. My stepmom. My stepbrother. For each one of those losses, I grieved differently.
What I have learned is that exercise is such a wonderful way to escape grief, burn some energy, and occasionally get a closer and deeper look at the relationship. My dad was complicated. Therefore it made my relationship with my dad complicated. I used exercise as a means to think through. Appreciate and admonish him. Thank god I had that outlet.
In the past, I may have grabbed a bourbon and had another. I may have had an “extra” glass of wine. It took me a very long time to realize that alcohol was NOT the answer to the grief. It’s temporary my friends and it may create more issues down the line. Just saying.
So, my friend, texted me about the ride last night that is celebrated as my “Monday with Mel”. I ride her old Bianchi. I just ASSUMED that my friends were going to be tied up. They decided that exercise was a good way to get through things. I can appreciate that. I missed the ride. I had already done my exercise but in hindsight…. FUK yeah I should have gone on that ride. Another lesson learned 🤣.