Mondays with Mel
I keep restarting and rebooting. Trying to find the right way to re-create my passion for coaching/commentary/consulting and putting them into words. So, I think I have found a direction that will help me with pointing my compass due north. “Monday’s with Mel”. I can’t promise a post each week. Much to the chagrin of all of you 🤣 but I really enjoy sharing all that is The Chad Andrews with you guys. So, here goes.
As you all may know that Melinda, our/my closest friend passed away just over 2 years ago. She was a friend, a client and most importantly an amazing person. Always upbeat. Always willing to help. Always there.
Melindas passing really shook me and our friend base. How? Why? How could someone pass away in 6 weeks. It was astonishing. Cancer. Sucks. With Melindas passing the following two years have really been a blur. Living in Melindas beautiful house the past two years. Then moving 3 times. The business starting to come back to life after a dreadful Covid/Post Covid.
What prompted this post? Last week I went to Gordo’s and Joce’s house to start our Monday night world championship ride. My road bike has been in storage off and on for the past month. When I arrived I realized that my battery was dead. It was slow to charge. So, Jocelyne in her infinite wisdom said, “Why don’t you ride Melindas bike”. Well damn! (FYI Mel was 5’10”). Same pedals. Campy gearing. All Mel. :) It fit great. I did the Monday night ride and had a sense of freedom on her Bianchi. Like old friends meeting again.
Yesterday, I decided to forego my road bike and ride Melinda’s bike again. It was freeing. Fun. A beautiful night. I have been doing the “B” group rides, because frankly my fitness for fast group rides is sh!t. Two and a half months of travel gets you that. But, the group ride was spirited and fun and get’s me happy about cycling.
(Here’s a video of Joce… where Melinda used to love to ride. Sunflower fields with Soybean and corn 🌽)
The past two years have provided challenges and successes. All of which I firmly embrace. Life throws lemons so make some f’ing lemonade! My ride with Melinda helps me reflect back on the past two years. The good with the bad.
The point of this post? Reflection is a way to process your life. The rides with Mel bring me full circle back to the final week of her life. What has happened in mine, since her passing. I feel like I’m a million miles away, but yet grounded and growing happy with all the decisions I’ve made the past two years. Some sad, some amazing, but all very fulfilling. I’m going to challenge you to reflect back on your mistakes, your successes. Get in touch with them. Embrace them.
Last night after the group ride….
The sun set on Melindas life. I won’t forget her.
Especially Mondays with Mel.