To let go….
Pretty ambiguous eh? I promise my friends, I won’t leave you hanging.
From the Fischer Institute: “In psychology, letting go is more about mentally releasing our attachment to something. Rather than struggling to keep someone in our lives or insisting on a specific outcome, we relinquish that need or craving and instead accept what is or what must transpire.”
My attachment wasn’t an attachment as much as it was a feeling I can’t or couldn’t let go. We’ve been there. I’ve been so “attached” to many things. Charlotte. Recovery. Growing. Three weeks of commentary loosened that grip just a little bit. I’ve always traveled. Always. But, now it’s more about the journey versus the “result or destination”. This is a metaphor for my life, and likely some of you out there.
What has transpired over the past 5 years is tremendous growth and power. With power comes responsibility. I just didn’t know HOW to use the power of my growth. I found myself tethered. Stuck a little. My emotional and physical growth was tremendous, but not KNOWING how to live in that growth and power was confounding.
During my 3 week trip, I gave myself the grace to ENJOY it. I think it is reflected in my commentary. It is reflected in relationships and work. I was FREE to just be me. Not impress. Do not ride hard or run further. Lift heavier. Coach better.
I stopped by the coast on my way home from all the travels. I had a bit of an emotional moment (I’ve had shit tons in 5 years!) but this moment was of clarity. Resilience. (**There was one thing I COULD NOT do. that I plan on rectifying in the coming weeks.) I was sitting on a bench in the middle of a nature preserve. I meditated. I…let go. It was pretty amazing.
Nature preserve….on the SC coast. Isolated and beautiful.
I let go of the pressure of life. Here’s what I realize. Letting go is NOT frivolous. It was intentional and purposeful. Letting go of constant attachment to creating a perfect business, perfect person, perfect partner, perfect dad.
I will challenge you to find a “place”….where you can let go. Exist in being the best version of you. Not the perfect person. Just the best version of you…flawed and all! Once you find it. Your training, relationships, and work will flourish. Trust me.
If you find that bench someday, you will see lots of my weight left on it. Treat it with care. 🤣