The Recharge
Hiatus: That’s a good word to define my physical state and to some extent my mental state. I traveled so much to start the season off. March and April were all about go, go, go. Most, if not all of you, know that’s been my life for the better part of my adult life. What’s changed? Maybe I’m older. Maybe I’m wiser. Some thoughts that run deeper, maybe I pound the recovery and balance into my client's head that maybe I NEEDED to be more cognizant of my own battery getting low. I recognized it.
So, what did I do? I have been spending time on my bike, (NOT training, just riding for fun) walking, pool time, gym time, walking Winnie time…down time. I even took a break from journaling and meditating. Crazy right? The guy that has been trumpeting the merits of daily journaling and meditation stopped for a while? In the past, I would have pushed on the accelerator harder, instead of hitting the brakes. Not anymore. I am really good at brake tapping.
“Your brain can’t focus all the time,” says Christine Carter, Ph.D., a sociologist and a senior fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California in Berkeley, whose books include The Sweet Spot: How to Achieve More by Doing Less. “If you try to force it into the focus mode for too long, it loses its ability to do that.” (from everyday health)
Here’s the skinny. It’s ok to be off your rails sometimes. Sometimes you have to shake the compass to recalibrate it to due north.
I’m invigorated and ready for the “second half” of my summer season. If you find yourself in a bit of a rut, taking a break is probably what you need much