The Easy Spin
Vulnerability, caring, insight, coaching, occasional side-bars, comedy, conflict, and sometimes resolution, all from the mind of The Chad Andrews.

It’s ok…to stop and look 👀
We are increasingly becoming indoor people. More people now live in cities versus the countryside. Technology has furthered the divide from the days of my childhood….

Theory: Metallica to Mozart: For training purposes only.
Hold tight you guys…I know you are thinking that Chad has gone off his rocker (further). Hear me out. Today I did my standard early walk. Yes, I was on the hunt for the latest #DailyDog. Got home, made a quick lunch, and then headed to the gym….

Daily Spin: Say NO to New Years Resolutions.
23% of people quit their resolution after just one week!
I was never really a fan of New Year's resolutions. I always felt they were destined to fail. Most were unrealistic and not attainable.