The growth in a lost friend. Some 💦 for sure.
I dunno why I was compelled to write this. Maybe because it unlocked a cheat code in my life. I’m sharing this, but also NOT sharing everything. In the past year, I’ve shown you my vulnerability. It was easier than I thought, but times like this make me realize that I’m not completely an open book. I’ve learned what works for me. I’ve become weirdly a very private person, but also an open book. Oh, the juxtaposition.
Today marks the one-year mark of my friend Melinda’s midpoint of a 6 week battle with cancer (yes, 6 weeks. That fast!). I had a moment in my journaling that was deeply powerful. A moment of beauty in the chaos.
“I’m hanging at Melinda’s. We are on the back porch. It’s 7am. Sam’s (Sammie the dog) sniffing, Melinda’s resting on the outdoor couch. Birds are singing. What a great morning”.
This was a very sad moment in my life. However, we somehow found a way to see a beautiful moment in what would be a tragic ending. Melinda was always upbeat. Always the champion and a beacon of love, strength, and friendship. Always there for any of her crew that needed it. Selfless. Strong. Caring.
Til her death Melinda was proud. She didn’t want to be fed, assisted upstairs, or lifted in the bed. In the end, she had no choice. Her impending death came lightning quick. Every time we had a solution, it was too late. It motivated me to write.
You only see some of my journal post in the photo. I’m learning about myself and what works for my continued growth. I want you to learn and grow with me on this wild ride of Chad 3.0.
The purpose of this post is three-fold.
1- Hug anyone and everyone (link to another blog post 😆).
2- Don’t take any day off from being the best version of yourself. Love. Give. Share. You never know what may happen.
3- Be vulnerable enough to fucking grow. I say that easily now. Jesus, it was so hard before and to some extent it STILL is. This journal post started my growth.
This post has helped me. I have become healthier, happier, stronger since a year ago. Cycling, running, yoga, meditation, strength training have all become fun. Not a workout or a chore. This all stemmed from trying to be the BEST version of me.
I look forward to sharing more of my the post, from one year ago today, in the future. I’m getting there. Take the ride with me :)
PS: This post is to show an incredible amount of love to the friends that were there in the thick of it. You know who you are and I love you for it.
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